I’m so excited to announce that we’ve hit another milestone in our P4P Facebook Group of 30,000 members! I’m so very honored to have so many ladies interested in P4P it makes my heart (and maybe my eyes) swell!!
I brainstormed on how we should celebrate for a LONG time! In the past we’ve done free patterns for group members, big giveaways, sales… but I kept thinking about how much fun I was having planning and designing my new sewing room at our new house we’re in the process of building. Here I am in my soon-to-be new sewing space!
I get giddy every time I think about that new bigger space! So I came up with the idea to give away a new sewing room for one lucky member!
What is included in a Sewing Room Makeover?
We all thought long and hard about what we love in our current sewing rooms (and what we’d love to upgrade in them if we had the opportunity) and here is what we thought you needed for a brand new or upgraded sewing room!
We included an Ikea gift card to help furnish the space. I’m planning on doing a big U shape for my machines in my new room from Ikea! I will share some more on how I planned my room as well to help you!
We also included a Joann’s gift card to help get those supplies like scissors, good lighting, notions, and whatever else you may be missing that don’t have those extra funds for! Don’t worry if that sounds a little daunting to pick out- we will be sharing some of our favorite things this week during the contest to help you plan and pick!
We added a Hobby Lobby gift card so you can pick up some cute decor for your new space as well! Grab one of those signs, clock, mirror and jazz up the place 🙂
We will be sending a few things straight from Amazon to the winner to help fill out your new room! How about a great new printer and ink? Need some paper? I love this extra large Alvin Cutting Mat I’ve been eyeing for my room and I can’t wait to get a new iron too! And of course a brand new machine- a Brother 420, which is what I sew on! You will LOVE that automatic cutter ladies!! (*These are affiliate links*)
Last, but not least, is an ample fabric stash for your room! Thanks to all of our wonderful sponsors, which we will be highlighting with links to their shops this week, we have a HUGE stash for your new room. So make sure you get some great storage pieces from Ikea!
Speaking of storage, we will be sharing some of our favorite sewing storage tips this week as well to help get those sewing rooms organized and tidy… well, as best we can, creative minds can be messy right ladies? 😉
****Note**** With a prize this large, P4P will need a W9 filled out by winner prior to prizes being sent. Winner must claim prize on taxes per US law. International winner will have to remit up to a 30% tax withholding of prize winnings and subject to US tax/treaty agreements.
So, are you ready to enter? Here is how:
A few rules to highlight:
The item sewn up and shared must be a P4P pattern.
You need to sew it up as is, with only fit changes (so no hacks or mods ladies). Adding embellishments is great, just no major changes.
Your picture must be in your current sewing space showing off where you sew currently.
Share your pictures on one or all of the social media networks for more chances to win with hashtag #P4PSewWinBuild — it must be EXACT to come up in our search for the winner!
Let us know what P4P pattern you sewed up and what you’re most looking forward to winning or changing about your sewing space!
You can share as many sews as you can for more chances to win–but ALL items/images shared must be sewn AFTER the giveaway starts 10/11/2016! Any older sews will be disqualified from winning the grand prize. Last entries accepted will be Sunday 10/23/2016 at Midnight US Central Time.
Since you might need to grab a new pattern to get motivated we have a SITE WIDE SALE through the end of the giveaway! This will be the last site wide sale this year so grab them up while you can 😉 !! Sale ends Sunday 10/23/2016 at Midnight US Central Time.
Winner will be random lottery winner! So everyone has a chance from a beginner who might be sewing their first P4P to a seasoned apparel seamstress!
We will have a few more posts throughout the week to keep reminding you to sew up your P4P contest entries AND to help you plan your new sewing room or your sewing space makeover!
Coolio! A sewing room makeover!
I actually have fabric on order to make peg legs! Sometimes procrastination does pay lol
This is so exciting, just bought my first P4P patterns .looking forward to making beautiful clothes!
How will winner be chosen?
Random lottery winner!
HI there,
I love this idea! I live in the UK…. Can UK sewers apply too?
Many thanks
Marion x
Yes, international entries are welcome.