We are almost there! We made it to the 5th day and it’s an easy one. Today we sew the side seams and hem the bottom.
STOP! Before you pin the side seams, press your memory hem on the bottom of the shirt, both front and back. Trust me, you will thank me for not letting you skip this step.
Now that you have that covered, pin the sides, right sides together and stitch with a 1/2″ seam allowance. If you opted for the sewing machine, make sure you use a stretch stitch.
If you chose the dress, you will be hemming the curved edge. We have a P4P University blog with tips for hemming knits. You can read about it here. The most important thing about hemming knits with your coverstitch or sewing machine is to PRESS, press and press some more. If you are finishing the bottom hem using twin needles, a good refresher blog is the P4P University Twin Needles Tips.
Day 5 video is below. Once you sew the side seams and hem the bottom, post a picture of your progress in the comments of day 5 photo of the Go Team sew along album. You can find the album in the M4M & P4P Sew Along group on Facebook.
Go Team SAL – day 1 | cut fabric
Go Team SAL – day 2 | shoulder seams & neckline
Go Team SAL – day 5 | side seams & hem bottom
Go Team SAL – day 6 | hem sleeves or add cuffs