Ahoy, matey! We are almost there! Today we finish the bodice by adding the sleeves.
The Rainbow Dress includes 2 style sleeves, a fitted style and a gathered one. Both available in short, 3/4 and long length. The fitted sleeves are finished with a hem. The gathered sleeves are banded.
I opted for the gathered style, so you can see this option in today’s video. Start by sewing two rows of stitches, one about 1/4” and one 3/8” away from the raw edge, in between the two notches. Use the longest stitch length your machine allows. Do not backstitch! Leave long tails at the beginning and end of each row. Pull on then tails to gather the sleeve, matching the 3 notches on the arm curve with the ones on the bodice (front, shoulder seam, back). Pin in place and stitch.
Sew each of the arm bands, right sides together at the short ends to create a loop. Gather the bottom of the sleeves to match then arm bands. All you have left to do is sew the bands to the sleeves, right sides together, and press.
Here is day 5 video. Once you finish the bodice, post a picture of your progress in the comments of day 5 photo in the sew along album. See you back here tomorrow for the final steps!
Rainbow Dress SAL – day 1 | Cut fabric
Rainbow Dress SAL – day 2 | Create rainbow skirt and add optional pockets
Rainbow Dress SAL – day 3 | Create collar
Rainbow Dress SAL – day 4 | Sew shoulder seams and add neckband
Rainbow Dress SAL – day 5 | Add sleeves and sew side seams
Rainbow Dress SAL – day 6 | Add skirt and hem