We LOVE to see what you’ve made with our pattern collection here at Patterns for Pirates! And even more so, we love showing you and your creations off to the rest of the P4P community…..to the world, really!
If you’ve made something with one of our patterns and would like to be featured on our social media sites (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc), click on the link below and upload your images + provide permission for us to do just that!
We’d love to see what you’ve made, and have the chance to share your talents with our followers!
**Clicking the link above will take you to a Google Form, where you can provide your information for and upload photos for our sharing purposes.
You can also use the tag #P4PFeatureMe on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok! By using the tag, we will be able to see your photos and re-share from there!
We can’t wait to see what you’ve made!
2022 A Year in Review
It’s always so much fun for us to look back on the year as it comes to a close and reflect on all that we did during that time! Here’s a quick glance back at 2022 with Patterns for Pirates!
We released TWENTY (20) brand new patterns to the catalogue.
The majority of them were designed and drafted by Judy Hale (our beloved Pirate Captain) and five of them were from our newest ::official:: designer, Katy McKinley!
Red Carpet Dress
Gather ’round
Gather ’round – Youth
Tie Up Top
Tie Up Top- Youth
Valley Swing Dress
Valley Swing Dress- Youth
24/7 Tank
24/7 Tank- Youth
Weston Raglan
Vixen Bikini & Thong
Vixen Bralette
Sugar Maple Skirt- Youth
Sugar Maple Skirt
Grace Dress
Grace Dress- Youth
Modern Sweater
Modern Sweater- Youth
Kelli’s Dress
Charli’s Dress
Don’t forget that we offer youth + adult patterns in bundles, as well!
We shared SIX (6) super fun freebies with our sewing community!
They are our way of saying “thank you” for being such amazing members of our sewing family!
We delivered TWELVE (12) amazing fabrics to our subscribers!
Fabric for Pirates has been such an incredible journey for us and we’ve loved the excitement, creativity, and joy you all share with us as you receive your fabric each month!
Please join the fun and subscribe to Fabric for Pirates for the 2023 season!
Fabric for Pirates-A Monthly Mystery Fabric Subscription$30.00 on the 1st of each month
We hosted TWO (2) fun sew-alongs!
The Lumberjack Patterns (Hourglass / V Figure / Youth) and Kelli’s Dress / Charli’s Dress were all showcased by Alex through sew-alongs that help you sew these patterns even more than our tutorials do! Our sew-alongs remain forever available on our blog and the YouTube videos are such a helpful resource!
Lumberjack Sew-along: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
Kelli & Charli Sew-along: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
You chose your MOST LOVED patterns of the year!
We always enjoy checking the stats and seeing what the most popular downloads were for the past year. This year was just as fun to check out, with these six patterns showing up the most in our customers’ carts.
We made some BIG announcements!
Patterns for Pirates hit a huge milestone in our Facebook group! We surpassed the 150,000 membership mark earlier this year and we are so thankful for it! The group has been the bread and butter of our sewing community for so many years now and we love having it as a platform to connect with sewists around the world.
Not only did our Facebook group grow to an incredible 150K members, we also launched a brand new fabric company in the Patterns for Pirates companies. Anchor Fabrics is place to head for all of your fabric needs! We’ve stocked it full of the highest-quality fabrics that are perfect for sewing up your favorite apparel pieces.
We also gave the P4P brand a bit of a facelift and you’ll see us all over the web, rocking our updated look!
We watched our social media GROW!
Thank you to all the new followers, members, etc and for everyone who was here already and stayed with us! We appreciate each and every single one of the follows, members, subscribers, etc! Not only are you learning from our patterns + posts, but you’re returning the favor by helping us learn and be inspired daily!
It has been a heck of a year and we look forward to sewing through 2023 with you!
Protected: Fabric for Pirates :: December 2022 Reveal
2022 Holiday Freebies :: Merry Napkins
Happy Holidays, Pirate Friends! We are excitedly back for another year and another round of holiday freebies to share with you! Since 2016, we’ve compiled different tutorials and patterns that we think would make *perfect* gifts for your friends and family. Curious about what we’ve already released in the way of holiday freebies? Head right here to see all of them: Holiday Freebies Roundup.
Today, we are bringing you the: Merry Napkins!
The Merry Napkins are the cutest, most festive thing to show up at your dining room table! My son and I are always watching videos during the holidays to learn new, fun napkin folding techniques and this year I saved us some time by adding these to our place settings! These napkins are incredibly quick to make, you can mix-match fabrics and prints, personalize them if you’d like, and they’d make amazing gifts this holiday season!
Fabric Requirements / Recommendations: 1-1/8 Yard Main Fabric + 1-1/8 Yard Lining Fabric will make 8 Merry Napkins
- Each napkin piece is 20″ in length before sewing.
- You can fit 4 across the width of a typical quilting cotton fabric.
Grab Your Pattern Pieces Here: Merry Napkins pattern pieces
For each napkin you will need:
- 1 main piece
- 1 lining piece (cut in a mirror image)
Align the main and lining pieces against one another, with right sides together.
Using 1/2″ seam allowance, sew along entire outer edge. Leave 2-3″ opening along straight edge for turning.
Trim down seam allowances, for smoother curves and sharper corners.
Turn right sides out, through opening.
Press and close opening, using your favorite method (blind stitch / top stitch / etc).
Optional (but recommended): top stitch along entire outer edge of napkin.
All finished! Now you just need to fold it into a tree shape. Use the dotted lines of the pattern piece to guide you.
Align along straight edge of pattern piece.
Fold top corner down.
Make the second fold toward the back of napkin.
Make third fold toward the front of the napkin, completing your tree shape.
Slide pattern piece out and press, if desired.
Practice makes progress! Fold them a few times using the pattern piece as a guide and you’ll be a pro in no time!
Now go make an entire set of napkins for your table this holiday season!
In case you consider yourself a more “visual learner” here’s a video tutorial that walks you through the entire tutorial, start-to-finish. The video also demonstrates the folding process a few times, if you want to see it in live action form.
Before you go, take a look at what our super testers made using the Merry Napkin pattern!!
I la-la-love when you share your photos with me! Head over to the Patterns for Pirates Facebook Group and show us what you’ve made!
Happy Holidays, Pirates!
2022 Holiday Freebies :: Doggone Raglan
Happy Holidays, Pirate Friends! We are excitedly back for another year and another round of holiday freebies to share with you! Since 2016, we’ve compiled different tutorials and patterns that we think would make *perfect* gifts for your friends and family. Curious about what we’ve already released in the way of holiday freebies? Head right here to see all of them: Holiday Freebies Roundup.
Today, we are bringing you the: Doggone Raglan!
We just added to our family of raglan patterns! I honestly couldn’t help myself. I’ve been wanting to make a dog raglan for a couple of years now and finally made it happen! If I’m also being 100% transparent: I used it as an excuse for people to send me photos of their cute dogs! What’s better than having a social media feed full of cute puppers in raglan tees? Umm….NOTHING.
If you need a little refresher of our human-based raglan patterns: Jolly Roger Raglan (Youth Pattern) | Slim Fit Raglan (Hourglass Figure Pattern) | Relaxed Raglan (Hourglass Figure Pattern) | Weston Raglan (V Figure Pattern) | Ragdoll Raglan (Hourglass Figure Pattern)
Fabric Requirements / Recommendations: Knit fabric, less than 1 yard needed for all sizes.
- at least 20% stretch for main body + sleeves
- at least 40% stretch for bands
Grab Your Pattern Pieces Here: Doggone Raglan pattern pieces
Select size based upon chest measurement and grade for length if needed. There is a slight negative ease at the chest. If your pup falls between sizes, selecting the next size up is recommended.
We have a P4P University blog post about Grading Sizes, but here’s a quick visual on adjusting the Doggone Raglan.
Now that we’ve got our pattern pieces prepped, let’s get to sewing!
Cut out all of your pieces. You’ll need:
– 1 Back Piece cut on the fold
– 1 Chest Piece cut on the fold
– 2 Sleeves, mirrored
– 1 Bottom Band, cut on the fold
– 1 Neckband, cut on the fold
– 2 Sleeve Cuffs, cut on the fold
With right sides together, pin sleeve to Back bodice and stitch.
Repeat with opposite sleeve.
Place chest piece, with right side up.
With right sides together, pin sleeve to Chest bodice and stitch.
Repeat with opposite sleeve.
You will now have created a “circle” with all four pieces.
With right sides together, align shirt from sleeve hem, to armpit, to bottom hem and stitch.
Repeat with opposite site.
With right sides together, fold neckband in half, widthwise.
Stitch short ends together, creating a circle.
Fold the neckband in half, lengthwise, with wrong sides together, enclosing the seam.
Repeat steps with armbands and bottom band.
Pin / clip quarter and half markings on all bands.
Mark quarter points on bottom hem of shirt. Match side seams and place a pin or clip at front and back centers.
Match front and back centers, and place or clip at the two side quarter points.
Slip bottom band over shirt, with right sides together, matching raw edges and quarter points to one another.
The bottom band is a 1:1 ratio, but you will still need to ease in the curves a bit.
Stitch bottom band to shirt.
Press seam allowance toward bodice. Optional: topstitch.
Repeat similar steps with the neckband.
Mark quarter points on neck opening of shirt. Match side seams and place a pin or clip at front and back centers.
Slip neckband over shirt, with right sides together, matching raw edges and quarter points to one another.
The neckband is smaller than the neckline opening, and will need to be stretched slightly to fit while attaching.
Stitch neckband to shirt.
**Be careful to stretch the neckband only, and not your neck opening.
Press seam allowance down, toward bodice. Optional: topstitch.
Slip sleeve band over sleeve, with right sides together, matching raw edges to one another.
The sleeve band is smaller than the sleeve opening, and will need to be stretched slightly to fit while attaching.
Stitch sleeve band to sleeve.
**Be careful to stretch the band only, and not your sleeve opening.
Press seam allowance toward bodice.
Repeat with second sleeve.
You’re all done! Go find a cute furry friend to gift your new Doggone Raglan to!
In case you consider yourself a more “visual learner” here’s a video tutorial that walks you through the entire tutorial, start-to-finish.
Before you go, take a look at these ADORABLE furry Pirate friends in their Doggone Raglans!
I la-la-love when you share your photos with me! Head over to the Patterns for Pirates Facebook Group and show us what you’ve made!
Happy Holidays, Pirates!
2022 Holiday Freebies :: Holiday Hair Bows
Happy Holidays, Pirate Friends! We are excitedly back for another year and another round of holiday freebies to share with you! Since 2016, we’ve compiled different tutorials and patterns that we think would make *perfect* gifts for your friends and family. Curious about what we’ve already released in the way of holiday freebies? Head right here to see all of them: Holiday Freebies Roundup.
Today, we are bringing you the: Holiday Hair Bows!
The Holiday Hair Bows are the cutest and most festive things you’ll probably make this holiday season! Each bow finishes at 6″ wide and can be attached to hair ties / barrettes, be turned into an ornament for your tree, be used as decoration for your packages….or any other decorative use you can come up with!
There are four different bow designs included in this one free pattern: Santa, Snowman, Elf and Reindeer. The construction is super simple and quick and you’ll be able to make a bunch of these Holiday Hair Bows in no time!
Fabric Requirements / Recommendations: Small Amounts of Quilting Cotton Fabrics for Bows / Felt for Reindeer Antlers + Snowman Tophat
Other supplies needed:
- Lightweight Fusible Interfacing, if desired I like Pellon SF101, or Heat & Bond 3336
- Hot Glue or Fabri-Tac
- Yarn / small elastic / thread
- An alligator clip / headband / hairtie / whatever you plan to attach to your bow.
Grab Your Pattern Pieces Here: Holiday Hair Bow pattern pieces
Reindeer Bow pieces needed:
– 2 Bow Tails, cut on fold
– 2 Antlers, mirror images (cut from felt)
– 1 Bow Center
– 1 Main Bow, cut on fold
Snowman Bow pieces needed:
– 2 Bow Tails, cut on fold
– 1 Main Bow, cut on fold
– 1 Bow Center
– 3 buttons
– 1 Tophat (cut from felt)
Santa Bow pieces needed:
– 1 Bow Tail, cut on fold
– 1 Bow Tail (piece 1), cut on fold
– 2 Bow Tail (piece 2)
– 2 Bow Tail (piece 3)
– 1 Bow Center
– 2 Main Bow (piece 1), cut on fold
– 1 Main Bow (piece 2), cut on fold
Elf Bow pieces needed:
– 1 main Bow, cut on fold
– 1 Bow Tail (back), cut on fold
– 1 Bow Tail (piece 1), cut on fold
– 2 Bow Tail (piece 2)
– 2 Bow Tail (piece 3), mirror
– 1 Bow Center
Now that we’ve got our pieces all cut and ready, let’s get to sewing up these cuties!
Basic Bow Construction:
Step 1: Place Bow Tails together, with right sides facing each other.
Sew along entire outer edge, using 1/4″ seam allowance. Be sure to leave 1.5-2″ opening for turning.
Step 2: Trim seam allowances for cleaner curves, turn Bow Tail right sides out through the opening you left.
Step 3: Using thread / yarn, tie off and cinch the center of Bow Tail. Set aside.
Step 4: Place main bow piece right sides. up. Fold in half, with right sides together, matching the long edges.
Step 5: Sew using 1/4″ seam allowance.
Step 6: Turn tube right sides out and press, with the seam moved to the center back.
Step 7: Place the main bow piece with right sides up. Fold in half, right sides together, meeting the short raw edges.
Step 8: Sew using 1/4″ seam allowance.
Step 10: Turn right sides out, hiding your seam allowance in the center of this new bow loop you’ve created. Center the seam in the middle back of the pattern piece.
Step 11: Using thread / yarn, tie off and cinch the center of the main bow piece.
Step 12: Attach the main bow to the bow tail, tying them together at their centers.
Step 13: Fold bow center into thirds and press.
Step 14: With bow center facing down, center the bow (also facing down) and place a dab of glue. Wrap bow center around bow, securing with glue. Be sure to tuck the raw edges under before securing, to prohibit any fraying while in use.
You did it! Your basic bow is complete!
To make the Reindeer Bow:
– Complete steps 1-14 of basic construction.
– Glue / hand stitch the antlers to the back side of the main bow.
All done! Rudolph will be pleased!
To make the Elf Bow:
– Align elf bow tail piece 3 and piece 2 along straight edge.
– Sew using 1/4″ seam allowances. Press open.
– Align elf bow tail pieces to the tail piece 1, right sides together.
– Sew using 1/4″ seam allowances. Press open.
– Align elf bow tail pieces to the other Piece 2, right sides together. Sew using 1/4″ seam allowances. Press open.
– Align elf bow tail pieces to the final Piece 2, right sides together.
– Sew using 1/4″ seam allowances. Press open.
– Complete steps 1-14 of basic construction.
You’re done! Buddy the Elf would be proud!
To make the Santa Bow:
– Align santa bow tail piece 3 and piece 2 along straight edge.
– Sew using 1/4″ seam allowances. Press open.
– Align Santa bow tail pieces to the tail piece 1, right sides together.
– Sew using 1/4″ seam allowances. Press open.
– Align Santa bow tail pieces to the other Piece 2, right sides together.
– Sew using 1/4″ seam allowances. Press open.
– Align Santa bow tail pieces to the final Piece 2, right sides together.
– Sew using 1/4″ seam allowances. Press open.
– Complete steps 1-3 of basic construction.
– Align Santa main bow pieces, using one Piece 1 and Piece 2.
– Sew using 1/4″ seam allowances along long edge. Press open.
– Align remaining Santa Main Bow Piece 1 with already sewn main bow pieces, right sides together.
– Sew using 1/4″ seam allowances along long edge. Press open.
– Complete Santa bow using steps 4-14 of basic construction.
You’re finished! The Jolly guy will be tickled!
To make the Snowman Bow:
– Complete steps 1-14 of basic construction.
– Glue / hand stitch three buttons to one of the bow tails.
– Glue / hand stitch the tophat to the opposite side of the main bow.
You’re all set! Frosty would approve!
In case you consider yourself a more “visual learner” here’s a video tutorial that walks you through the entire tutorial, start-to-finish.
Before you go, take a look at what our jolly holiday testers made using the Holiday Hair Bows pattern!!
I la-la-love when you share your photos with me! Head over to the Patterns for Pirates Facebook Group and show us what you’ve made!
Happy Holidays, Pirates!
2022 Holiday Freebies :: P4P Pattern Coloring Pages
Happy Holidays, Pirate Friends! We are excitedly back for another year and another round of holiday freebies to share with you! Since 2016, we’ve compiled different tutorials and patterns that we think would make *perfect* gifts for your friends and family. Curious about what we’ve already released in the way of holiday freebies? Head right here to see all of them: Holiday Freebies Roundup.
Today, we are bringing you the: Pattern Coloring Pages!
What exactly are we gifting you with these PDF downloads? Unlimited planning potential for your sewing, of course!
We’ve gone through all of our patterns and created a coloring page for each of them! Each page has a section for sketching out your sewing plans, writing down the options of the pattern you’re planning on using, extra notes for your thoughts, and even a section to add a swatch of the fabric.
Each coloring page download is set up with a feature much like our layer feature of our sewing patterns!
The first is a “tracing” layer. Perfect for those of you who want to sketch something out using only the illustration we’ve provided as a guideline for your creation.
The other is a “coloring” layer. It’s set up with thicker, darker lines that can be used for easier digital plans (those of you who like to use an editing software like Photoshop or Procreate and incorporate actual fabric images), or simply seeing those lines more clearly and being able to color and plan that way!
We are excited to see how you take our coloring pages and integrate them into your sewing plans!
Since there are SO MANY patterns in our collection, thus a ton of coloring pages to download, we thought it was best to give you access to a Google Drive that is housing all of our coloring pages! Click the image above to take you to the location in the cloud, which will allow you to pick + choose which Patterns for Pirates sewing pattern you’re ready to make a plan for! We will continue to add to these as we release new patterns, so it’s an ongoing resource for y’all to be able to utilize!
We are so jazzed about the potentials of this tool for our Pirate Community!
I la-la-love when you share your photos with me! Head over to the Patterns for Pirates Facebook Group and show us how you’ve used our Coloring Pages!
Happy Holidays, Pirates!
2022 Holiday Freebies :: Sleigh Ride Shawl
Happy Holidays, Pirate Friends! We are excitedly back for another year and another round of holiday freebies to share with you! Since 2016, we’ve compiled different tutorials and patterns that we think would make *perfect* gifts for your friends and family. Curious about what we’ve already released in the way of holiday freebies? Head right here to see all of them: Holiday Freebies Roundup.
Today, we are bringing you the: Sleigh Ride Shawl!
The Sleigh Ride Shawl is the cutest accessory you never knew you needed until now! It’s an adult sized pattern that is super easy to make, and even easier to wear around. Throw it on to wear around the house for a cozy layer, make it in a dressier fabric for an evening out, or layer it over a jacket for an about-the-town look. It’s the perfect pairing piece for so many different outfits!
Fabric Requirements / Recommendations: 1-3/8 Yard Main Fabric + 1-3/8 Yard Lining Fabric
- Most Knit and Apparel Woven Fabrics will work. (The pattern piece is 47″ wide, so you’ll need to choose a fabric wide enough to fit it!)
- If you’d prefer, you can skip the lining and make it a single layer and just hem the edges instead! If you’re choosing this option, keep in mind that the “wrong side” of the fabric will be visible, so be sure to choose something that will look good on both front and back.
Grab Your Pattern Pieces Here: Sleigh Ride Shawl pattern pieces
The Sleigh Ride Shawl is designed for an adult with the average height of 5’5″. If you’re taller or shorter than that, you may want to adjust the height. I would personally recommend making a muslin of one first to decide before making adjustments. However, adjustments are super easy! The concept is the same as this P4P University blog post: Petite and Tall Fitting Adjustments.
Now that we’ve got our pattern prepped and ready, let’s get to sewing!
Cut out all of the pieces you’ll need:
– 1 Main + 1 Lining Shawl piece, cut on the fold
– 1 Slide Tab piece
Fold the Slide Tab piece in half, meeting the long edge with right sides together.
Sew along the three open sides, leaving around an inch or more open for turning purposes.
Trim excess fabric and clip corners, being careful not to cut through your stitching.
Turn slide tab piece right sides out. Stitch opening closed, using preferred method. (ie: blind stitch, top stitch, etc)
Using the pattern piece for placement guidance, place slide tab piece on main fabric.
Attach slide tab piece by sewing both short ends to main shawl.
With right sides together, align main and lining shawl pieces on top of one another. Sew along entire outer edges, leaving an opening along one of the bottom edges for turning.
Turn right sides out. Stitch opening closed.
Optional: topstitch along entire outer edge.
You’re finished! Now go make a million more!
In case you consider yourself a more “visual learner” here’s a video tutorial that walks you through the entire tutorial, start-to-finish.
Before you go, take a look at what our ::incredible:: testers made using the Sleigh Ride Shawl pattern!!
I la-la-love when you share your photos with me! Head over to the Patterns for Pirates Facebook Group and show us what you’ve made!
New Pattern Release :: Red Carpet Dress
Who doesn’t love to put something special on that makes you feel sultry and glamorous?!?! Whether you need more everyday dresses in your closet or you have an event coming up, the Red Carpet Dress will make you feel like a movie star!
This adult size pattern is for the full, newer size chart, extending from XXS – Plus 5X for the Adult Hourglass Figure.
- *Want to learn more about how to measure yourself for these pattern? We’ve got you covered with an in-depth blog HERE. And for even more helpful fun, we have a free* printable that you can use to help record your measurements as you take them.
- And in case you’re new to Patterns for Pirates and PDF patterns in general, we have a great blog full of new-user tips HERE to help you get started!
- As with all of our current releases and updates, the pdfs now include our layers feature and can be found in Letter, A4, A0 and projector sizes.
Get ready to be feeling yourself in your new Red Carpet Dresses!
The Red Carpet Dress is a fitted silhouette throughout the bust, waist, and hip. The mini, knee and midi length options are almost a true bodycon fit, but to allow walking room if you’re choosing not to add a slit, the pattern is slightly looser from the thigh, down. The floor length options feature a stunning flared silhouette with a slight mermaid from thigh to floor.
There is an optional slit that can take you from adorable (with the tiny slit on the mini length) to dramatic (the leg-revealing options with the floor length skirts). Beware that choosing any of the slitted versions means you won’t be able to keep yourself from constantly striking poses!
With the sleeve options available in the Red Carpet Dress, you can wear a dress from this pattern all year round! Choose from thin straps (the only option if you’ve decided on the cowl necklines), short sleeve, or long sleeve.
Both sleeve options are gathered and add a little balance to the tight fit of the dress.
- The short sleeve has a gathered ruffle hem, which gives it a little sweetness to the otherwise sexy look.
- The long bishop sleeve gathers into a long cuff and gives a gorgeous and dramatic detail.
The square neckline gives a beautiful open neckline to show off those collarbones (and with thin straps bare those shoulders too). The cowl necklines are a timeless and elegant look, with a draped neckline that doesn’t go too deep, so you can wear this stunning dress to any event.
Worried about bust support? Aren’t we all!
The Red Carpet Dress has a few options to add support.
- There is a built in shelf bra in which you can go fully braless with support from if you choose a supportive fabric and add in cups.
- You can also leave off the cups and use the shelf bra just as added support for your strapless bras.
- The sleeved versions have a wide square neckline, so some “normal” everyday bras won’t show under.
Otherwise, a balconette or strapless bra with wider set straps would work lovely as well. The low back option can even be worn with a low back strapless bra, or a backless bra with sticky wings (as the back comes out from the side seam for some coverage there).
The Red Carpet Dress is also fully lined, which gives this event dress such a luxurious feel! All of the seams are hidden, providing for a gorgeous dress not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. This does bump up this pattern to an intermediate level sew with the tutorial assuming you know some basics. If you haven’t sewn a lot of garments yet, pick up some beginner level patterns before diving into this one.
The cowl neckline options call for a fabric with a soft drape, which typically means that you’ll be working with a thinner fabric in order to get the intended look and perfect cowl drape. The additional layer of the lining in the Red Carpet Dress provides for coverage, between you and the world, even when using those thinner, slinkier fabrics.
Go ahead and make a casual knee length dress with statement sleeves for an everyday look. Or be bold while wearing a floor length gown with a small train and thigh-high slit and knot ’em dead at your next formal event. Whatever you do, make the dress you want and wear it to make yourself shine like the star you are!!
Pattern options for the Red Carpet Dress included:
Necklines —
- plain front neckline
- plain back neckline
- cowl front neckline
- cowl low back neckline
Sleeves —
- thin straps
- short sleeves (plain necklines only)
- long bishop sleeves (plain necklines only)
Lengths —
- mini
- knee
- midi
- floor
- floor with small train
Optional features —
- front thigh slit
- shelf bra
Okay….let’s check out some of the different features, modeled by our incredible testers:
Plain Front Neckline| Plain Neckline with Sleeves | Cowl Neckline
Plain Back Neckline| Plain Neckline with Sleeves | Cowl Neckline
Thin Straps | Short Sleeve | Bishop Sleeve
Mini | Knee, Above Knee Dress | Midi, Below Knee | Floor Length | Floor Length with Train
Plain Skirt| Slit
Fabric Inspirations:
You can find these exact fabrics I used here at Anchor Fabrics : | Stretch Velvet | Glitter Stretch Velvet | Matter ITY |
They will be on sale 10% off along with our release sale of this new pattern! So grab them this week!
We are so excited to see what you sew up with the new Red Carpet Dress pattern and hope to see you posting that you’re feeling amazing in it! Head on over to the shop, grab yourself a copy, and get to sewing! They are available on sale (no code needed) through 11:59pm CST, December 3rd, 2022.
Hoping for a little inspiration before diving into some Gather ‘Round sewing? Journey over to our Facebook group where you can see tester albums full of amazing images!
Red Carpet Dress FB Group Album
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