This is it! Your dress is almost finished! Today we are attaching the skirt to the bodice and hemming it. So excited!
Since there is no gathering involved in the skirt portion, it is super easy and fast to attach the skirt. But because it’s a circle skirt, the bottom hem is vast…yet totally manageable. Here are some hem options that we like!
Hem option #1: Traditional Hem
For this, you simply fold the fabric up 1/2″ toward the wrong side, press, then fold another 1/2″ and topstitch. I like to run the serger around the edge of the fabric first, so there’s more of a solid edge to work with while folding. But it’s not necessary.
Hem option #2: Bind/Use Trim
Just like you did for the arm and neck openings, you can use knit binding, FOE, trim, or even a lace. Make sure you aren’t stretching your bindings at all. And be aware that this will make your length 1 inch longer. (The circumference lengths are already included in the pattern, to make it even easier on you!)
If using a trim, simply stitch your trim to the skirt edge, right sides together. Flip the trim down and topstitch.
Hem option #3: Coverstitch
This gives you a more professional finish on your hems, but requires a coverstitch machine. (If you don’t have a coverstitch machine, you can simulate this look by serging the edge of your fabric, folding your fabric up 1/2 inch, and sewing with a double needle.)
Hem option #4: DON’T HEM!
Sound too good to be true? Perhaps. But in some cases, it just makes sense to leave the edges raw.
I totally left this new dress of mine with a raw edge on the skirt and I loved it. So much so that it called for a one-woman dance party.
**Hem tape is HUGELY helpful. With all versions of hemming, really. Some prefer a wash-away tape (like THIS), while others like to use a different type of stabilizer (like THIS).
YOU GUYS! We did it! You made it to the end and have finished a new, amazing, custom-fit, piece of clothing. We are so proud of you! If you’re sewing along with us, be sure to tag @PatternsforPirates and #P4PSWEETSAL on Instagram. And don’t forget to join us on the P4P event page: Sweetheart SAL on Facebook.
Thanks for sewing with us! Come back tomorrow to catch the linkup/contest for your completed Sweetheart or Me Hearties outfit. It’s going to be so amazing to see what you’ve made!
Day 1: Fabric Selection.
Day 2: Printing + Measuring.
Day 3: Cutting Fabric.
Day 4: Bodice + Sleeves.
Day 5: Skirt + Hemming.
Day 6 & 7: Catch-Up Days.
Day 8: Recap + Winners Announced!