Good morning, pirates and mermaids! Today’s step is attaching the FOE to the front of the neckline and the overlapping back. It is highly important to triple check that the fold over elastic ends are not twisted when attach them to the back of the bra.
Make sure you mark your notches (center and pick ups) on the FOE as the center fold over elastic part is smaller than the front curve. You will be stretching the elastic to match the neckline.
Below is today’s video. Once you finish your steps post a picture in the comments of day 4 photo of the Fierce Bra SAL album in the Sew Along group.
Fierce Bra SAL | Print and cut pattern [day 1]
Fierce Bra SAL | Choose and cut fabric [day 2]
Fierce Bra SAL | Prepare lining and sew side seams [day 3]
Fierce Bra SAL | Sew front neckline [day 4]
Fierce Bra SAL | Add shoulder FOE [day 5]
Fierce Bra SAL | Add under bust elastic [day 6]